종말이란!! 예수 그리스도의 재림!!

[스크랩] 짐승의 수 666이란 무엇일까?

하나님아들 2012. 9. 22. 00:28

666 짐승의 수 = 베리칩?

칼 샌더스의 간증:

자신이 신체에 이식하는 컴퓨터 칩의 발명 수석 연구원이었다고 주장하는 칼 샌더스란 (Carl Sanders) 사람이 666이란 수자와 연관하여 간증을 하였는데 (YouTube에서 이 사람 이름을 치면 나온다), 다음은 그의 간증이다:

저는 엔지니어링 디자인과 바이오 메디컬 필드에서 마이크로 칩을 디자인하는데 32년간 있었습니다. 1968년, 저는 우연히 척추에 심각한 부상이 있는 한 여성분의 척추 Bypass에 관한 프로젝트에 참가하게 되었습니다. 우리 팀은 운동 신경계를 연결할 수 있는 가능성을 보았고 이것 때문에 아주 흥분해 있었죠. 여기에는 약 100여명의 연구원들이 참가하여 있었고, 저는 이 프로젝트의 수석 연구원이었습니다. 그러던 중, 이 프로젝트는 우리가 이야기 하는 마이크로 칩을 (제가 짐승의 표라고 믿기 시작한) 개발하는 동기가 되었습니다. 이 마이크로 칩은, 몸의 온도 변화에 의해서 재충전이 되어졌구요, 배터리 바꿀 필요 없이, 신체의 온도변화에 따른 충전 서킷이 있었습니다. 저희 팀은 신체에서 가장 온도가 빨리 변하는 곳이 어디인가 알기 위해서 150만 달러라는 연구비를 투자했고, 그 결과, 이마 (주요 부위로), 뒷머리 바로 밑, 그리고 손등 (앞의 두 부위가 안 될 경우 여기에다가) 임을 찾아냈습니다. 우리는 이 칩의 용도에 대해서는 알지 못했지만, 이러한 칩을 만든다는 것에 상당히 흥분해 있었으며, 우리 팀은 산호세, 모토로라, GE, 보스턴 의학 센터 등의 사람들로 구성이 되어져 있었습니다. 제가 했던 일은 칩을 디자인 하는 것이었고 이것은 의학적인 것과는 관계가 없었습니다.

다른 분야로 눈을 돌렸는데, 그 중 하나가 인간의 행동 수정, 즉 행동을 바꾸도록 하는 것에 대한 가능성 연구였습니다. 이 연구는 거의 전기 침술과 같은 분야로 전향되어졌으며, 그 이유는 어떤 한 부위에 영향을 줄 수 있는 신호를 보낼 수 있는 마이크로 칩을 심을 수 있었기 때문이죠. 이는 행동의 변화를 가능하게 하였고, 우리는 이것을 피닉스 프로젝트라 명명 하였습니다. 또한 우리는 람보 칩이라고 불리는 것도 있었는데, 이것은 잉여 아드레날린을 만들도록 하는 장치였습니다. 이런 여러 장치들을 통해 사람들을 폐경기로 몰아넣는다거나, 무의식의 상태로 넣는 것이 가능했습니다. 이것은 인도와 세계의 여러 곳에서 시험되어졌으며, 마이크로칩에 의한 산아제한 역시 가능해졌습니다. 또한, 이러한 마이크로칩은 두통 감소와, 행동 수정, 성적 자극과, 성적 감퇴 등의 분야에서도 사용이 가능했습니다. 이러한 마이크로칩은 약 250,000개의 구성품이 있고, 리튬 배터리로 작동됩니다. 저는 이 리튬 배터리를 사용하는 것에 반대 했지만, 나사는 그 당시 벌써 많은 리튬 배터리를 사용하고 있었기 때문에, 그냥 그렇게 하기로 했습니다. 저는 보스턴 의학 센터의 박사에게 만약, 그 칩이 깨어져서 리튬이 나오면 어떻게 되는지, 그리고 신체에 미치는 영향은 어떤지 물어보았는데, 그의 대답은, 그 피부조직이 타 들어가서 흉터로 남을 것이다 라고 하였습니다. 이 칩이 점점 더 개발됨에 따라, 저는 이 프로젝트를 떠났고, 저의 컨설턴트 일로 돌아왔습니다. 하지만, 저는 줄곧, 이 마이크로 칩과 관련된 일을 하는 전문가들을 만나오던 중, 한 미팅에서 '만약, 당신이 그들을 구분할 수 없다면, 어떻게 그들을 조종할 수 있는가?'라는 토론이 시작되었고, 우리는 다 같이 '그렇다면, 잃어버린 어린이를 찾아주는 것과 같은 것을 통하여 장치를 넣으면 되지 않을까?'라는 의견이 나왔습니다. 칩을 점점 더 개발하면서, 다양한 정보들이 들어가게 되었는데, 소지인의 얼굴, 주민등록번호, 그리고 지문, 범죄기록들이 추가 됩니다. 저는 세계의 경제를 하나로 통합하려는 “하나의 세상” (One World) 회의 참석차 룩셈부르크 브뤼셀에 갔었습니다. 여기에서 그들은, 건강관리 프로그램에 관하여 이야기 하고 있었으며, '엄마 뱃속에서 무덤까지' 계획을 하고 있더군요. 이런 이유로, 아이들이 출산시 이런 마이크로칩을 주입하는 것을 계획하고 있고, 미국의 대통령은 1996년 법, Section 100에 의거, 필요할 경우, 개인 식별 코드를 강제 부여할 수 있는 권한이 있습니다. 그것이 문신이건, 메디아건, 피부속이건 말이죠. 그래서 저는 진실을 여러분이 보아야 하고, 그래야만 여러분들에게 이러한 것이 큰 충격으로 오지 않을 것이기 때문입니다. 이런 일들을 벌써 일어나고 있습니다.

요컨대 칼 샌더스는, 100명을 이끄는 수석 연구원으로 척추에 심각한 손상이 있는 여성을 연구하던 중, 우연히 칩 개발에 들어가게 되었으며, 이 칩의 위치는 이마와, 목 뒤쪽, 그리고 이것이 불가능할 경우 손등에 삽입한다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 이 칩은, 신체를 조절하여 폐경기로 만들어 산아 제한이 가능하도록 하며, 혹은 호르몬 분비와 인간의 행동을 조종 및 조절할 수도 있다. 그리고 리튬 건전지로 이 칩은 작동하는데, 인간의 체온 변화에 의하여 충전되며, 이 리튬 전지가 깨질 경우, 인간의 살이 타 들어가, 심각한 흉터가 남게 되는데, 이것이 계시록 16장 2절에서 이야기 하고 있는 '독하고 악한 헌데'라 한다. 베리칩은 666을 말하며, 칩이 깨질 경우 흉으로 남는 것은 '독하고 악한 헌데' 라는 결론에 도달한 것이다.

칼 샌더스, 희대의 사기꾼으로 들통 나다.

문제는 자신이 베리칩의 (VeriChip) 고안자였다고 주장하면서, 짐승의 수 666이 바로 이 베리칩과 연관된다고 주장한 이 칼 샌더스는 사기꾼이었다는 것이 여러 사람들의 조사로 들통이 났다는 점이다.

여기 참조 ---> http://www.eaec.org/expose/carls1.htm

그는 고급 연구원의 근처에도 가 볼 수 없었던 자로, 미공군에서 정비(整備) 사병으로 근무했고, 대학을 비롯한 학위는 전무하며 홍콩대학 박사 학위도 명예박사증이라는데 그것도 믿을 수가 없다. 그렇다면 왜 이 사람이 이런 사기 행각을 했는가? 그의 동기는 무엇이었나? 그는 암으로 수술을 받는 중 자신의 생을 주님께 드려 영혼을 구원하는 사역에 헌신하기로 결단했고, 그 후에 사역을 시작했지만 사람들의 반응은 차갑기만 했다. 그러던 중에 종말론 특히 이 컴퓨터 칩 이야기를 했더니 사람들이 폭발적인 반응을 보이면서 집회나 TV에 출연해서 간증하게 되었고, 이렇게 되면서 급기야는 자신의 이력을 거짓으로 꾸민 것들이 눈송이처럼 커지게 되어, 결국 멈출 수가 없게 되었다 한다.

*베리칩이란 영어의 Verification과 (확인, 증명) Chip을 (반도체 조각) 합쳐 놓은 말로, 사람 몸속에 넣는 무선 주파수 식별 (RFID -radio frequency identification) 장치를 말한다.

미국 FDA는 (식품, 마약청 Food and Drug Administration) 베리칩 임플란트를 승인했다. 베리칩은 미국, 영국, 멕시코 등지에서 홍보하고 있다. 베리칩이 의료, 구매, 어린이, 범죄자 인식및 위치 정보용, 어린이 납치 방지용으로 사용된다. 베리칩이 사생활 침해다, 건강에 나쁠 수 있다, 짐승의 표시다 등등 반대가 많기 때문에 반대가 많이 있다. 그런데 세대주의 신학의 7년 대환란 가설과 적그리스도의 세계 단일 정부 구성과 공포 정치에 이 베리칩이 사용한다는 주장이 많이 퍼져있다. 우리가 보기에 세대주의 신학이 말하는 7년 대환란, 적그리스도의 세계 단일 정부, 독재와 공포 정치 등은 전부 성경적인 사고라기보다, 잘못된 성경해석의 결과로 나타난 거짓된 시나리오에 불과하다.

베리칩 [펌]

그렇다면 짐승의 표인 666은 무엇을 의미하는가?

마귀는 하나님의 모방자로 행동한다.

하나님의 삼위일체를 흉내 내어 자신을 정점으로, 세상 권세자들을 상징하는 바다에서 나온 짐승과 땅에서 나온 짐승과 (거짓 선지자, 거짓 종교) 함께 거짓 삼위일체를 구성한다. 이 놈은 하나님께서 자기 백성의 이마에 소속감의 표시로 표시하는 것도 (겔 9장, 계 7장) 흉내 내어, 자신의 백성에게 666이란 수자를 이마에 표시하게 한다. 하나님께서 자기 백성의 이마에 표시를 하는 일은 영적인 사건으로, 사람들의 눈에 드러나지 아니한다.

겔 9:4 너는 예루살렘 성읍 중에 순행하여 그 가운데서 행하는 모든 가증한 일로 인하여 탄식하며 우는 자의 이마에 표하라 하시고 5 나의 듣는데 또 그 남은 자에게 이르시되 너희는 그 뒤를 좇아 성읍 중에 순행하며 아껴보지도 말며 긍휼을 베풀지도 말고 쳐서 6 늙은 자와 젊은 자와 처녀와 어린 아이와 부녀를 다 죽이되 이마에 표 있는 자에게는 가까이 말라 내 성소에서 시작할지니라 하시매 그들이 성전 앞에 있는 늙은 자들로부터 시작하더라 (겔 9:4-6)

계 7:2 또 보매 다른 천사가 살아 계신 하나님의 인을 가지고 해 돋는 데로부터 올라와서 땅과 바다를 해롭게 할 권세를 얻은 네 천사를 향하여 큰 소리로 외쳐 3 가로되 우리가 우리 하나님의 종들의 이마에 인치기까지 땅이나 바다나 나무나 해하지 말라 하더라 4 내가 인 맞은 자의 수를 들으니 이스라엘 자손의 각 지파 중에서 인 맞은 자들이 십사만 사천이니 (계 7;2-4)

환상으로 보여주는 일은 만화라면, 그 만화의 진짜 모습은 영적인데, “성령님으로 도장을 찍다”란 표현으로 묘사된다:

저가 또한 우리에게 인(印)치시고 보증으로 성령을 우리 마음에 주셨느니라(고후 1:22)

그 안에서 너희도 진리의 말씀 곧 너희의 구원의 복음을 듣고 그 안에서 또한 믿어 약속의 성령으로 인(印)치심을 받았으니(엡 1:13)

하나님의 성령을 근심하게 하지 말라 그 안에서 너희가 구속의 날까지 인(印)치심을 받았느니라(엡 4:30)

따라서 사탄이 하나님의 일을 흉내 내는 일도 영적인 사건으로, 666이란 수자를 컴퓨터 칩이네 바코드네 하면서 현실 세계의 어떤 실체와 연결시키려 든다면, 모두 그릇된 성경 해석으로 나아가고 말 것이다.

묵시문헌에 등장하는 어떤 환상의 만화 장면을 현실 세계의 어떤 실체와 연결시키려는 시도는 무모한 짓이다. 특히 계 4-22장 부분에 등장하는 환상의 장면들은 영적 세계에서 일어나는 일들에 대한 묘사임을 기억해야 한다.

예컨대 계 5:6에 묘사된 바 내가 또 보니 보좌와 네 생물과 장로들 사이에 어린 양이 섰는데 일찍 죽임을 당한 것 같더라 일곱 뿔과 일곱 눈이 있으니 이 눈은 온 땅에 보내심을 입은 하나님의 일곱 영이더는 말씀을 예수님의 실제 모습이라고 생각할 수 없음과 같다. 일곱 뿔은 마 28:18의 말씀 곧 예수께서 나아와 일러 가라사대 하늘과 땅의 모든 권세를 내게 주셨으니 에 대한 만화 그림이다. 또한 “일곱 눈”은 슥 3:9, 4:10 등에 근거하는데, 어린 양의 전지(全知)하심을 만화로 그린 것이다. 또한 예수님을 네 발과 털이 복슬복슬한 어린 양으로 묘사한 것은 요 1:29, 36에 언급된 보라 세상 죄를 지고 가는 하나님의 어린 양이로다 의 만화 그림이다.

요컨대, 짐승의 수 666은 하나님을 모방하여 마귀가 자기에게 속한 자들에게 영적으로 표시하는 어떤 표지인데, 그것을 컴퓨터나 베리칩, 바-코드 등과 연관시키고 종말의 때에 적그리스도가 나타나서 인간을 조종하기 위해 이것을 사람 몸 속에 심는다고 현대적 과학적 해석을 가하는데, 그런 해석방식은 그릇된 것이다. 성령께서 우리 성도들의 이마에 찍는다고 보일 수 없고 영적인 사건이라면 마귀의 짐승의 수자 표시도 그런 영적인 그 무엇으로 이해해야 한다.


사기꾼 칼 샌더스 조사 내용:


John S. Torell

Released January 25, 1994


This document will be released to a number of ministries that have asked for it, and it will also be printed in "The Dove", Spring Issue of 1994. When I began to investigate Carl Sanders, it was done with my understanding that Carl Sanders was telling the truth and that he was being attacked. I have entered information into my computer as it came to me, and thus you can follow the development. As the investigation continued, it became clear to me that I would have to face the painful truth, that CARL SANDERS IS A LIAR. I am also sending a copy of this report to Carl Sanders. If you want to have photocopies of the documents that Carl Sanders furnished to me, you can order them from us for a $10.00 fee. We are not financially able to make large numbers of copies available to hundreds of people. May the body of Christ pray for this fallen Christian leader and his wife, and may we all learn a lesson from it, that all of us MUST WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.

DECEMBER 28,1993
I received a telephone call from Carl Sanders early in the morning of December 27, 1993. I had been waiting for some time for Carl to call me, as I had been trying to get together with him since the meetings at Resurrection Life of Jesus some weeks earlier.

In this phone call he told me that Mary Trask had started to attack his ministry. He told me that Mary had contacted a former partner in the State of Washington, who had given her a lot of negative information. Mary was calling various pastors in the Sacramento area and telling them that Carl Sanders was a fraud and that he had been lying about his past and credentials.

Carl seemed very upset about this. After discussing it for some time, I then tried to get a date for a meeting with Carl and his wife. He stated that they were going to travel north to Washington, to be together with his family for a few days so would call me back, once he had discussed this with his wife. When he called back, the date was set to January 4, 1994 at noon in my church office.

Later, during the morning of December 27 I received a phone call from Gordon Ginn. He stated that he had received a phone call from Des Griffin in Oregon. Des told Gordon that Terry Cook, a former Los Angeles Police Department employee, had started to call a number of prominent people informing them that Carl Sanders was a fraud.

Terry Cook had been doing a live interview with Carl on a radio program some time ago, and at that time Terry asked Carl to share with the audience about his education and credentials. Carl avoided answering that request, and during the rest of the program he talked around the subject. Terry then launched his own private investigation and concluded that he could not verify any of the claims that Carl had been making in his meetings or on radio and TV programs.

After hearing this from Gordon, I immediately telephoned Carl Sanders and asked him what he knew about Terry Cook. He told me that he was aware of Terry's investigation, and Carl told me that Terry was a very bitter man. At this point Carl told me that it was Terry Cook who had phoned Mary Trask and given her negative information. When I talked to Carl the first time, my conclusion was that Mary had attacked Carl because Carl and Ruby (his wife) were defending my ministry. This Information was omitted by Carl in the first phone call.

Carl explained to me over the telephone that his doctor's degree was an honorary degree from the University of Hong Kong, and that he had no formal degree from any American university. He proceeded to tell me that during his years in the American Air Force, he had been taking classes all the time but had never stayed long enough in one place to graduate, so he never received a formal degree.

I told Carl that it was of utmost importance that he gather up all documentation that he could find in his Walnut Creek location and we needed to meet that day, so I could look over his documents and start my own investigation. He agreed to this, and he met me at six o'clock that evening in my church office.

When we met, he told me that he had sent the same documentation to Gary Kah's office in Indiana, since they were also investigating this matter.

At this meeting I told Carl and his wife Ruby that it was very important to resolve this matter quickly. Looking over the documents, I found that Carl had been in the Air Force for at least 10 years, and that he retired as a staff sergeant with the rank of E-6.

I asked Carl to give me names and telephone numbers of Christians with whom he had been in contact from the time of his conversion to Christ. He gave me the following names and numbers:

  1. Pastor Bob Morehead of Overlake Christian Church, (200) 827-0303 or 1(800) 275-6304 State of Washington. Carl had been in this church until 1987 and stated that he had headed up a large men’s ministry.

  2. From here Carl and Ruby had moved to Central Washington, where he claimed that he had purchased a large 18-room house on a hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lince had been close friends with them. Mr. Lince was now dead, but Carl gave me the phone number to his wife, Nancy Lince, (509) 997-2952

  3. Carl also gave me the name of an evangelist from this area who had known them well, Lou McCoy. (509) 458-9366

On December 30 I tried to call Pastor Morehead, but was told by a church secretary that he was in a meeting. She said that he would call me back, which he did some hours later. I asked the pastor if he knew of Carl Sanders and he said that he did. I told him that I was doing an Investigation and I asked him if he would kindly answer my questions. He consented to do this.

When I asked him if Carl Sanders had headed up their men's ministry, the answer was no. Pastor Morehead told me that the church had a men's ministry, but that a council headed it up. Carl had been a member of this council, and had been part of the operation, but he was never in charge. When I asked if Carl had been the major speaker for this group, the answer was no. The pastor said that at all the meetings one of the pastors from the church would speak, and that the only speaking Carl had done was to give his testimony from time to time.

After some time, friction developed and Carl left the men's ministry. Pastor Morehead told me that he was not aware of this problem until later when the assistant pastor in charge told him. I then requested pastor Morehead to have his assistant pastor write a statement and have that mailed to me, detailing all activities of Carl Sanders in the church. Pastor Morehead stated that he would at once direct his assistant pastor to handle this, and I gave him my mailing address.

Before we stopped talking, Pastor Morehead told me that he was not aware that Carl had a doctor's degree when he was attending their church and that several phone calls had come in from all over the nation requesting information about Carl Sanders.

On this same day, I also called Nancy Lince.  She was very polite and friendly. She told me that she would be glad to answer my questions. She told me that Carl and Ruby Sanders had moved to their area around 1987, and that her husband (a real estate broker) had rented a house to the Sanders. The owners of this property lived in Southern California, and were eventually going to move back to Washington. This happened some time later, and Mr. Lince then rented them another house. The Sanders never purchased a home in this area.

Nancy then told me that the Sanders had been part of a house church in the area for some time, but that they later came into conflict with the leader of the group. As a result they had withdrawn from this fellowship and for some time attended an Assembly of God church.

Nancy told me that she did not have as much dealing with the Sanders as had her husband. She said that her husband (a devout Christian) had confidence In Carl and helped him as much as he could. When Carl started to move into the ministry, Mr. Lince helped him to join a loose mission umbrella organization, to which people could send donations and they, in turn, would give it to the Sanders. She did not know if the Sanders were still in this organization or not. Otherwise, she stated that she knew very little about the Sanders. She had heard that he had been involved in a computer business on the coast of Washington, but that is all she knew.

I also telephoned Texe Marrs and shared with him that I had started an investigation. He told me that the message that Carl Sanders was bringing forth was correct, but that his question was concerning the messenger. At this point Texe wanted to distance himself from Carl. Texe told me that he doubted that Carl would have had access to top secret research in the Air Force, since he had held such a low rank.

I finished my investigative work this day by returning Gordon Ginn's call. He was happy that I had started on this project, and said, "If Carl is telling the truth, we, should rally around him." Gordon then stated, "If Carl is not telling the truth, he should be held accountable." Gordon is going to contact Terry Cook and ask him in detail of what he is accusing Carl Sanders. Gordon is not going to mention my name, nor that Gordon and I are close friends. In this way Terry will not be defensive, but reveal what he knows.

On Friday, December 24, Gary Kah's secretary (Patricia) called my office, and Celia Gurn notified me to call Patricia. Gary Kah's telephone (317) 576-1043; Fax (317) 676-1063

Patricia told me that she had received the document package via Federal Express from Carl Sanders. She told me that she had attempted to verify the schools that Carl Sanders said that he had attended, and so far she was having no success. Carl told her on the telephone three days before, that I had requested documents and that I was investigating. She wanted to coordinate this with me, which I agreed to do. I told her that as I found out more facts, I would share them with her. She told me that she had been in telephone contact with Texe Marrs, and Carl had told me that Terry Cook had placed a call earlier to Patricia. She agreed with me to hold off any judgments until we had completed our Investigation.

Carl Sanders telephone message number: (509) 623-6285 Walnut Creek Office: (510) 934-3703

I have requested the medical records of Carl Sanders, plus all other records documenting classes he has taken at different universities, plus the papers showing his honorable doctors degree from the University of Hong Kong. As of December 28, 1993 I have not received them.

During my investigation into Carl Sanders background, I found him to be evasive and withholding information from me, despite that in our first meeting Carl wanted me to search out the truth and help him  be vindicated from the accusations he was facing.

When he was in our church in early December 1993, he told me that someone in the city of Benicia, California had offered him an office, a secretary and that the rent for this place had been paid in advance for one year. It was not until Carl sent me some faxes, that I learned from the letterhead used, that his office was not in Benicia, but in Walnut Creek in the building of a church called Victory Christian Center, with Pastor Ernest Amstalden.

Pastor Amstalden had furnished Carl with a complete office set up, including telephones and a fax line. Who is paying for the secretary I do not know. There is a very prominent lawyer in this church, and in my conversation with Carl it became clear that he also knows this lawyer. If the lawyer has been guiding Carl and advising him I do not know, but the findings in this investigation indicate to me that Carl is being handled by someone.

2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 202
Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598
(510) 939-2800

Before Carl Sanders and his wife Ruby left Walnut Creek in December to travel to the state of Washington and meet with their children, an appointment was set for January 4, 1994 when Carl and Ruby would come back and meet with me again to present all of the documentation that they were going to pick up in storage. During the week between Christmas and New Year's Day I received a phone call from Carl in which this appointment was moved to January 5,1994. This meeting was also canceled by Carl and a new date was set for January 10, 1994 to be held at 1:00 p.m. at my office in Citrus Heights.

On January 10, 1994 the meeting took place, and the following people were present: Carl Sanders and his wife Ruby, myself (John S. Torell), my wife Aina and my assistant pastor, William Chacon. The meeting lasted from approximately 1:20 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The meeting was opened in prayer and a specific prayer was said that all lying spirits should be bound and unable to operate. It was very obvious that both Carl and Ruby Sanders were very emotionally moved, and that especially Ruby had a very broken spirit. I then handed Carl and Ruby a copy of my report, that at this time was completed through page 4 and included the two letters from Gordon Ginn. Copies were also handed to my wife and William Chacon. Time was spent reading these.

Once Carl Sanders and the rest of us had read the report, Carl started the meeting by openly stating that he had repented to God for lying, that he had asked his wife for forgiveness for lying and that he had asked all of his children for forgiveness for lying. He then proceeded to tell us that he did not have any degrees at all, except an honorary doctor’s degree from the University of Hong Kong. When I pressed him to produce documents to prove this, he stated that he had lost this document, and that it would take time to get a photocopy from the University of Hong Kong.

Carl told us that as he had worked for the Air Force and later for private corporations, he had attended classes at different colleges and universities in the United States, but he never had received any formal degree. At one time he had enough credits to get a degree, but due to his lack of finances, this never materialized.

When I asked him why he had lied to so many pastors and people, he gave the following explanation:

The LIE had begun early in his life, when he still was an enlisted man in the United States Air Force. Since he did not get the ranks and promotions that he felt were due him, he began to invent his own to enable him to be more successful. Once he had left the Air Force, he was constantly lying about his credentials in order to get better paying jobs.

When I look over the documents that Carl Sanders has furnished me, the following picture emerges: In the Air Force he was in charge of repair and maintenance of instruments, such as Electronic Engine Pressure and Fuel Gauging, electronic Digital Data Processing Equipment, the Sage Computer System as a repair man, optic repairs of sextants, repairs of airspeeds/rate of climbs/altimeters/attitude gyros, etc,


During 1967 Carl Sanders was working for General Electric as a Headquarters Field Engineer, but he was not in charge of any operations, he was a simple technician working under others. Carl's bragging about his high salaries are not true either. Looking at employment agreements from 1981 between R26E of America, Inc., a Minnesota corporation and Carl Sanders’ salary was set to $36,000.00 per year. Indicating that he was paid as a technician.

Looking at his employment contract with the Polaris Computer Company, dated May 31, 1282, his salary was set at $30,000.00 per year, plus a housing allowance of 40% of his monthly salary. If Carl Sanders was in charge of the operation of the Polaris Computer Company in Hong Kong with such a low salary, the company must not have had a high regard for Carl Sanders.

When I confronted Carl with this, he told me that all companies lie about salaries. This is done so that the IRS can be duped. Carl told me that he was paid under the table large amounts of money, including stocks in the company, to evade paying taxes. If this is true, here is another lie that Carl lived.

When I asked him about his statement that his name is on a number of microcomputer chips, he confessed that this was another lie he had told. According to Carl the truth is that he had his name signed on a blue print many years ago, when he was part of a work team that was trying to further develop the microchip. When I asked him about his statement that he was heading up a 100 man research team that was working on the development of the micro chip, he told me that this was not true either. Carl then told us that there were three groups working on this project, and according to Carl, he was in charge of the 30-man group from General Electric. I doubt very much that he was in charge of this smaller group.

After reading photocopies of the documents that Carl Sanders furnished to me, and after talking with him on two occasions since his lying was discovered, this is my conclusion:

Carl Sanders is a very brilliant man, but void of moral understanding. That he has been living a lie for the last 30 years did not bother him at all. When he received Christ a few years ago, the lying was never dealt with. Thus he lived a double life as a born again Christian and as a shrewd business man/technician.

When he was operated on for terminal cancer in June, 1990 at the VA hospital in Spokane, Washington, he felt that God spoke to him and was calling him into full time ministry. When I pressed Carl on this issue, he told me that in the beginning of his meetings, he tried to preach Christ and holiness and call people to repentance, but the response was not there.  However, when he began talking about the end times and the development of the microchip, people responded in mass, and suddenly he was drawn into this message. Carl told me that with each meeting the old LIE WOULD GET BIGGER AND BIGGER. Suddenly he found himself back with the old lie, and he did not know how to get out of it. Carl then told me he felt that the message was so important, he began to invent his degrees in order to have more credibility with people. The Lie was now getting bigger and bigger as Carl became known nationally and internationally. Then followed the TV interviews, the radio programs, meetings in large churches and prophecy conferences.

Being very smart Carl was able to read up on the subject and took information from other sources. For example, the microchips that he displayed in his meetings, including the scanner and the implant gun, he had purchased from Terry Cook for $2000.00, which he never paid. Just prior to this meeting with me, he had returned the material to Terry Cook in Los Angeles.

At the end of our meeting I openly rebuked Carl and told him that he had lied to God and his church and that this was a sin which had to be dealt with. Both he and his wife broke down and began to cry. Carl then told us that he had asked God to forgive him for this horrible sin and now he was asking us if we would forgive him. Each one of us told him that in the name of Jesus we did forgive him.

I then proceeded to tell Carl that his ministry was over and the only decent thing for him to do was to shut it down, and notify the people he had lied to.  I told Cad that he should take at least one year off, and use that time to read the Bible, seek God and ask God to rebuild him and give him an understanding that God is light and that we cannot have any lies at all in our lives.  I told him he should put himself under a pastor and a church, and be held accountable to that church, and once he had matured, God would restore his ministry (he is a good preacher), but that the message of the microchip and the end times is out for him. He should concentrate on preaching Christ and Christ Crucified.

Furthermore, I told him that he should write a lengthy confession, and in detail share with people what he had done and where he had gone wrong. I promised to print this in the next issue of The Dove, so that he could come clean with the whole church, not only in America but also in the other nations where his message had gone.

I also told him that he needed to go through deliverance, and be set free from the lying spirits that had been in his body for all these years. We offered, as a church, to help him with this. Under tears, Carl and his wife received this and agreed that this was the road that they would take. The meeting closed with prayer, more tears, and we all hugged before we left.

Carl had promised me to go to work on his confession at once, and at the same time shut down his operation in Walnut Creek.

The following week I received a phone call from Carl, and he stated to me that the next day the confession was to be faxed to me. His voice was very cold when he talked to me, and it became clear to me that what Carl and Ruby had said in my office was not how he felt now. If the church in Walnut Creek with Pastor Amstalden had anything to do with this, I do not know. (It is noteworthy that during this month of investigation, Pastor Amstalden had made no effort to contact me).

On January 11th, 1994 I received my last phone call from Carl Sanders. He stated to me that he was not going to write a confession. In the phone call the day before he told me that he had written a two page statement, which I told him was not a confession, and a document of reconciliation with the body of Christ, which he had hurt. Again, his voice was cold and he stated that he was not going to defend himself, but that he was going to close down his ministry and move on. He then told me that he wanted me to write his confession since I had been with him and had all the facts. I told him, that it would not be the same as coming from him. But his mind was made up, and he told me good bye. I quickly told him that I had prepared four radio broadcasts, which would explain to the people living In Central California, what had happened to Carl Sanders. He wanted to know the time and the station, so that he could listen. I asked him what he was going to do about his deliverance from the lying spirits. He told me that he would pray about the matter. His manner and his voice told me that this was going to be the last time I heard from Carl Sanders. He was through with me and he was going to do his own thing.

Before I let him go. I asked how he was going to make a living. He told me that he had a small pension and disability payments from the government and that this would sustain him and his wife.

It is with deep sorrow that I have to write this report. I believe that Carl Sander and his wife Ruby really love God, but they are running from God and from taking responsibility. They are receiving bad advice from someone, and thus the body of Christ will suffer. I hold no anger or bitterness toward Carl Sanders; I feel only a great sorrow in my heart that I could not help a brother to be restored. In our ministry we have destroyed all the material concerning Carl Sanders and I ask all the people who purchased tapes from us to forgive me for selling them to you. I should have investigated him before promoting his ministry and I have asked God for forgiveness.  I hope that you will also be able to forgive me.

John S. Torell
Pastor of Resurrection Life of Jesus Church, Sacramento, CA
President of European-American Evangelistic Crusades

Tel:  888-708-3232
Fax:  (530) 633-2918

It was in the Spring 1994 issue of The Dove that we went public with the information that Carl Sanders did not have a doctorate degree or any degree in the engineering field. We also disclosed that Carl Sanders was not the inventor of the microchip as he had been claiming in his meetings. We also disclosed that his claim that he had met with Henry Kissinger and other dignitaries were false. The information that Carl Sanders did present in his meetings he had either read in some literature or heard from other people who had knowledge in the field of the development of the microchip.

The information that we shared at that time was not from hearsay, but it came from private meetings with Carl and Ruby Sanders in my church office when we had asked Carl to show us his credentials. He produced a number of documents from his time in the Air Force and from some employment that he had had over the years with General Electric and other corporations. But all the records that he showed me indicated that he was only employed as a "technician", not as a licensed engineer with a degree. He also produced a number of transcripts from different colleges around the country where he had taken different classes in engineering, but he never did graduate from any college or university.

Carl Sanders was never an officer in the United States Air Force. His discharge papers state that he was given an honorable discharge on January 14th, 1964 with the rank of Staff Sergeant.

During his last visit in my office, he broke down and under heavy sobs and tears he told us that he had lied all these years about his degrees, and that the lie had been getting bigger and bigger as time went on. Present in my office were his wife Ruby, my assistant pastor and my wife.

During this meeting, Carl asked his wife for forgiveness for having lied to her all these years. He asked me as a pastor to forgive him for having lied in meetings in our church, and he made a resolve to write a confession, which I was to publish in "The Dove." In this confession he was going to ask all pastors and people to forgive him for the lies that he had told them.

Four days after his visit in my office he reneged on his confession and told me that he would not write it.

A few months earlier he had been given an office at Victory Christian Center, a church in Walnut Creek, California. This was the same church where I had conducted a series of teaching seminars about a year before. When I was half way through my teaching, I was terminated and given no explanation why, and the contact between Pastor Ernest Amstalden and me was broken off.

Since Pastor Amstalden and I were not able to communicate, it gave Carl Sanders the opportunity to play us against each other. My understanding was that Pastor Amstalden was giving Carl a safe "haven" in his church. Since I did not want to contact Ernest and ask him point blank what was going on, in error I passed on the understanding that Carl Sanders was hiding in this church and using it as his office headquarters.

What Carl had not told me was that Pastor Amstalden had confronted Carl in his office, asked for documents from Carl, and was given the same material that Carl had given me. Ernest drew the same conclusion that I had done, and again Carl made a confession under tears that he had been lying and that he did not have any degrees. Pastor Amstalden then made the same recommendations that I had done. Carl had to confess his lying, stop his meetings, and submit to a restoration program. Carl stayed in submission to pastor Amstalden for a few months and then he left.

Details on these events you may read in the letter that was written from Pastor Amstalden on November 9, 1994.

In the summer issue of "The Dove" 1994, we reported that Carl Sanders was traveling in Oregon and Washington conducting meetings, and that his lying continued without any changes. He was still offering his old tapes to the people in the meetings, where he stated that he was the inventor of the microchip.

During his stay in Oregon, Carl Sanders contacted Fritz Springmeier, a "Christian" writer and researcher. Carl did with Fritz what he had been doing with so many other leaders in the Christian community. He convinced Fritz that Carl was a victim of slander and gossip (particularly from Terry Cook and me), and that all he wanted to do was to preach the Gospel and get the truth out about the microchip before it was too late.

Fritz produced a statement in which he stated that he believed that Carl Sanders was a man of God, and to Fritz's best knowledge and understanding, Carl was speaking the truth. Fritz did say in his report, that due to his heavy schedule, he had not had the time to totally check out Carl's credentials, but what he had learned so far told him that Carl was telling the truth and all others were lying.

When I tried to contact Fritz over the telephone, (I have spoken to him a number of times over the years.) a woman answered the phone and told me that Fritz was not home. She did not know when he was coming home and she said he was working on a special project.

From here the trail of Carl Sanders led to Caldwell, Idaho, the Seventh Day Church of God headquartered in Caldwell, and the local church in that city which is pastored by Rev. Paul Woods. This denomination also has a publishing house, where they print their own literature. Carl Sanders was able to secure some meetings in Pastor Woods' church. He also was given help in printing up his own literature, which is used by Carl as handouts in his meetings. Again Carl had been able to secure a church and a support group that would stand behind him. But his baggage of lying was not far behind him.

A man living in the San Francisco area called Pastor Woods when he had heard that Carl was in Caldwell, and told him that there was something wrong with Carl Sanders. Pastor Woods was given my telephone number and also the telephone number to Ernest Amstalden. During a trip to California, Pastor Woods stopped on a Sunday afternoon and had a long discussion with Ernest. Next, I was given a telephone call and I promised to send my report to Pastor Woods.

During some hour-long conversations on the telephone, I shared in detail what had happened in our church and what we had found out. Pastor Woods, who is a very compassionate man, did not want to make any rash moves, but he wanted for sure to find out if Carl was a liar or not. He started his own investigation and contacted a number of places where Carl had been previously.

Since Carl was relying on the Seventh Day Church of God to print his literature, he would came in about once a week. Once Pastor Woods had received his information, he confronted Carl and asked him what the truth was. Carl then stated that he had not earned a doctorate degree, but had an honorary degree from the University of Hong Kong. He promised to send a copy of this degree to pastor Woods. Carl then pretty much sent the same documentation to Pastor Woods which he had sent to me, Pastor Amstalden and Gary Kah in 1993.

When I last talked to Pastor Woods, he stated that he was not prepared to present a written statement concerning Carl Sanders, since he wanted to be absolutely sure if Carl was lying or not. But he told me that he was not printing any more literature for Carl at this time, and that all aid from the Seventh Day Church of God was on hold until all things had been cleared.

Pastor Woods had stated to Carl over the telephone that Carl should contact Ernest and me to clear up all things. So far Carl has refused.

Here is the address and telephone number for Pastor Paul Woods: Seventh Day Church of God, P.O. Box 804, Caldwell, Idaho, 83606-0804, telephone (208) 459-9755.

Before Pastor Paul Woods had any knowledge of some problem with Carl Sanders, an article by Carl Sanders was published in the Seventh Day Church of God magazine in which all the lies that Carl had been saying over the years was repeated.

From Idaho the trail of Carl Sanders leads east. For the last few months he has been having meetings in a number of States including New York and Pennsylvania. Since people in all 50 states of the Union read "The Dove" magazine, the reports keep coming in to my office of what Carl is doing.

Carl Sanders has now upgraded his "road tour" to include the Gospel singers Lou and Jan McCoy. I have no idea where this married couple is from, but they have been misinformed like the rest of us were. In a newsletter from Carl Sanders dated July of 1994, the McCoys state that they have been in the ministry for eight years.

As far as I am concerned, God has turned over Carl to a REPROBATE MIND. And even at they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1:28)

In Carl's newsletter he is stating that he is under the covering of a church in Walnut Creek, CA., which is where Pastor Amstalden is the pastor. Yet he is violating the agreement that he made with that church, which is that Carl was never again to preach the old message of "End-times and the microchip,"

Here is what Cal is writing in his July 1994 newsletter:

"We share an End-Time message and will continue to do so as this is the calling that God has put on the four of us. We are to warn the people of the times that we are in and share with them just what God's word has to say in regards to the SEVEN SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS. The message has centered around Rev. 13:16 and the Micro-Chip project which I was a significant part of and the meeting that I attended in different parts of the world."

Not only is Carl breaking his covenant with Pastor Amstalden, he is continuing to lie to the people in the world by stating that he had a significant role in the development of the micro-chip, and having attended meetings with heads of state. These are parts of his lies.

Carl also goes on to say this: "We have redone all our literature and tapes and are covering all seven signs." This is another violation of Carl's covenant with Pastor Amstalden. All the master tapes and literature was to be stored in boxes in Walnut Creek and not used again.

Then Carl goes on and makes his most damning statement in his July newsletter. "I have been called a liar (so was Jesus), and it has been said that our messages scare people and, that may be so, but remember what Jesus said in Luke 21:26 - men's hearts failing them for fear…"

What Carl is doing is to compare himself with Jesus Christ. Carl has admitted to a number of pastors that he has been a liar for years. He is continuing to lie, and then he compares himself with Jesus Christ.

Carl is a master when it comes to deception and conning people to believe him. His newsletter is portraying him as a noble, simple servant who is only trying to preach the Gospel and warn people about the coming antichrist system. Because he does this, he is persecuted and slandered. This type of white washing is designed to reach the heart and the pocket book of the believers in Christ, who have no knowledge of Carl Sanders, but are willing to help an "underdog" who is fighting evil all by himself. Here is another quote from his newsletter: "We have been under severe attack by FRIENDS & FOES but, praise God, these attacks have caused me to run straight to the Lord. I thank friends and foes alike for their concern because through their persecution, and the Lord's chastisement and help, He has given me a greater desire to seek only His word and His will, NOT the praise of men. I have asked the Lord and I ask your forgiveness for any wrong I may have done."

This is nothing less than slick double talk by a con-artist. No one is persecuting Carl Sanders, but Christian leaders are requesting that he stop his lying. All we are saying is this: CARL, STOP THE LYING, COME CLEAN WITH A FULL CONFESSION, AND PUT YOURSELF UNDER A CHURCH AND A PASTOR WHERE YOU CAN BE RESTORED.

Here is another quote from Carl's letter:
"You will notice also that Dr. is no longer my title. John 3:30 says He must increase, but I must decrease," This is the height of hypocrisy from Carl Sanders. He is not dropping the doctor title in front of his name so that Jesus can increase, he is dropping it because he never had a doctorate degree and this lie is catching up with him. But instead of coming clean and telling people that he lied about his doctorate degree, he is trying to look "pious" and that he is doing this for the sake of Jesus.

Then Carl goes on to say the following:
"With great conviction I preached 'STAND on the Rock Jesus Christ’, yet my own feet were slipping as I relied upon charisma, sensationalism, and manipulation to get the Gospel across, as if God needed all that. He didn't. All he wanted was a willing vessel, pure and holy before Him. I praise Him for His love and mercy. The title Dr. before my name was an honorary title, but the 32 years as an engineer and the projects are real."

In this last statement Carl is, for a change, telling some truth, but instead of coming out and using the word "lying" he is substituting this for "manipulation." But then he moves right into another bold face lie: HE DOES NOT EVEN HAVE AN HONORARY DEGREE AS DOCTOR FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG! And Carl Sanders does not have 32 years experience as an engineer. The highest graduation he has is from high school. He has taken quite a number of classes in the engineering field from different colleges across the nation, but he never graduated and received a degree. All Carl Sanders has is experience as a "technician" in the engineering field.

If Carl Sanders had preached the Gospel, including an End-Time message, he would have done fine. He is a good speaker and can teach well. He did not have to give himself degrees and invent projects and events of which he had taken part. Most preachers and teachers who are teaching on End-Time events rely upon information gleaned from experts and released documentation. This is fine with the Christian community if a man has done his homework and studied a subject. They will accept that. But that was not enough for Carl. He had to tell people things about himself that were not true.

This lying and, worst of all, a refusal to admit it, stop it, and repent from it when he is confronted with facts that he cannot deny, is bringing destruction to the body of Christ and makes Carl Sanders to be a "MOCKING FALSE PROPHET."

If you hear of Carl Sanders speaking or having spoken in a church where you live, contact the pastor and share what you know, and ask the pastor to start an investigation at once. The Christian communities owe it to Jesus to make sure that liars will not be able to fleece the flock.

Please contact my office and let me know what you know. If you receive any literature from Carl, please send me some copies. Our fax number is (530) 633-2918.

If this is the first time you hear this message about Carl Sanders, and you want to have more information, we are willing to share our past reports, as well as the documentation that Carl Sanders supplied me with. Please send in a check or money order for $15.00 to cover our cost of reproducing the material and for the postage. Ask for the "Carl Sanders investigation package A&B." Included in this package is the letter from Pastor Amstalden, which he wrote to Carl Sanders on November 9, 1994.

Since I initially exposed Carl Sanders as a fraud, I have received many phone calls and letters requesting more information. I recently talked at length with a man who wanted to hear the recording of the trial on January 3, 1995 in Walnut Creek, California. Present at the meeting were the following people:

  • Pastor Ernest Amstalden and his wife

  • Pastor Paul Woods and his wife from Caldwell, Idaho; she is now deceased

  • Pastor John S. Torell and my wife

  • Carl and Ruby Sanders; Ruby is now deceased

  • Carl’s song leader, Lou McCoy and his wife

Pastor Amstalden was the chairman of the trial. The voices you will hear are that of Pastor Amstalden, Pastor Woods, myself, Carl and Ruby Sanders and Lou McCoy.

The purpose of this trial was for Carl to come clean and be restored. There were two recordings made of the trial with everyone’s consent, one by Pastor Amstalden and another by Ruby Sanders. What you are about to hear are the two recordings by Pastor Amstalden; both ended abruptly because the cassette recorder ran out of tape.

Carl reneged on his promises to contact all pastors and churches where he had spoken and never used his newsletter to make a correction to his supporters. Sadly, instead of reconciliation and repentance by Carl, the trial ended off tape with Lou stating, “The show must go on, we are wasting our time here.” Carl and his team left afterwards for the east coast where he continued his lying.

It was never my intention to release the audio of the trial but I am choosing to do so now because the Christian community needs to hear Carl Sanders confession of being a habitual liar. He is a man with a reprobate mind.


Cassette #1 Listen Download
Cassette #2 Listen Download


Pastor Ernest Amstalden is no longer the pastor for the church Victory Christian Center in Walnut Creek, California. He moved several years ago and is now the pastor for Victory Christian Fellowship in Jewell, Iowa.

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