무디의 성령세례 성결부흥 설교
D. L. Moody's Baptism with the Holy Spirit/Holiness
롬 15장 13절 성령의 능력 설교
성령은 거룩함에서 온전하게 하신다.
회개후 중생/칭의 후에
성령으로/성령세례로 이루어지지는 성령의 온전함이 온다.
중생한자의 가슴에 현재 정욕, 가상, 부패가 있어 부분적으로 불결하다
성령으로 마음과 생각을 온전하게 하신다.
주의 증인의 사역을 하려는데 성결함의 목적이 있다.
롬 15장 13-19절 성령의 능력을 받으라 성령의 능력으로 일하라
롬 15:13) | 소망의 하나님이 모든 기쁨과 평강을 믿음 안에서 너희에게 충만하게 하사 성령의 능력으로 소망이 넘치게 하시기를 원하노라 15:16 성령 안에서 거룩하게 되어 받으실 만하게 하려 하심이라 |
롬 15:18) | 그리스도께서 이방인들을 순종하게 하기 위하여 나를 통하여 역사하신 것 외에는 내가 감히 말하지 아니하노라 |
롬 15:19) | [성령의] 표적과 기사의 능력으로 성령의 능력으로 이루어졌으며 그리하여 내가 예루살렘으로부터 두루 행하여 일루리곤까지 그리스도의 복음을 편만하게 전하였노라 또는 채웠노라 |
예레미야 31:3 먼저 은혜의 하나님의 사랑/헤세드를 받으라
요한계시록 1:4 하나님의 온전한(777) 영의 정결함을 받아 온누리에 증인이 되라
누가 무디의 성령세례/성결 설교를 그 유명한 설교집들에서 뺏는가?
신비한 성령운동을 반대한 자들이 그렇게 하였으나
무디의 제자 토리는 무디의 사역 승리 원동력이 성령세례와 능력임을 생생하게 술회한다.
무디는 중생 이후 성령세례 성결이 분명 더 높고 깊은, 다른 차원인 것을 설교한다.
그는 중생 거듭남 둘째 탄생, 새 탄생이 죄와 영적 소경을 각성하는 회개로 하나님의 생명과 사랑이 온다면,
성령세례, 성결은 성경을 공부하고 기도하고 성령을 구하고 간절히 사모할 뿐 아니라
은혜의 방주에 들어간 후 나와 씻음 받고 온전하게 사는 것에서 나아간다(창 7-9장).
성령세례를 받는데는 세상에서 구별되려 하는 '나의 원하는' 믿음, '나의 행함이 있는' 믿음으로 씻음받음이 요구된다.
우리가 더 깊은 차원의 성령받으면, 예수는 우리를 지키시는 자이시고, 하나님은 가능한 분이시고,
성령의 감동을 받는 우리는 온 식구가 부흥집회/골방기도회에 참여함 즉 온 가족을 구원의 방주에 들어가게 인도하여
'주와 동행'하는 정결행동도 필요하다(창 5, 7, 17, 32장).
하나님의 사랑과 성령세례를 받으면 성령의 깊은 차원의 세계를 통달(지식을 가짐)하여 힘을 얻고
용기와 열성을 내어 승리하게 된다.
성령세례 성결은 교역과 선교를 승리롭게 감당하라고 주시는 활동을 위한 은사요 직임이요 역사인 것이다(행 20장).
무디는 자신이 성령세례받은 것을 알았다. 무디의 노년기 그 고향 노스필드에서 수많은 그 제자들이 그를 통해 성령세례를 받고
북미 목회현장과 세계 선교 현장으로 나아갔다.
하나님이 무디를 사용하신 이유는
성령세례/성결 받음이다-성령의 능력으로 기도함이다-토리.
Why God Used D.L. Moody by R.A. Torrey
‘Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible to be the Word of God’ and ‘The Baptism with the Holy Ghost.'”
In the prayer room D. L. Moody stayed alone for hours; and "the Holy Ghost came upon him filling his soul with such joy that at last he had to ask God to withhold His hand, lest he die on the spot from very joy. He went out from that place with the power of the Holy Ghost upon him."
Mr. Moody knew he had “the baptism with the Holy Ghost.”
"Praying in the Power of the Holy Ghost"
“the definite enduement from on high, a very clear and definite baptism with the Holy Ghost” that empowered Moody’s preaching--R. A. Torrey.
Mr. Moody would come to me and say: “Torrey, I want you to preach on the baptism with the Holy Ghost.”
“Now, Torrey, be sure and preach on the baptism with the Holy Ghost.”
Once he had some teachers at Northfield–fine men, all of them, but they did not believe in a definite baptism with the Holy Ghost for the individual. They believed that every child of God was baptized with the Holy Ghost, and they did not believe in any special baptism with the Holy Ghost for the individual. Mr. Moody came to me and said: “Torrey, will you come up to my house after the meeting tonight and I will get those men to come, and I want you to talk this thing out with them.”
Mr. Moody had asked me to preach on Saturday night and Sunday morning on the baptism with the Holy Ghost. on Saturday night I had spoken about, “The Baptism with the Holy Ghost, What it is, What it does, the Need of it and the Possibility of it.” on Sunday morning I spoke on “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, How to Get It.”
“Mr. Moody has invited us all to go up to the mountain at three o’clock this afternoon to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. It is three hours to three o’clock. Some of you cannot wait three hours. You do not need to wait. Go to your rooms, go out into the woods, go to your tent, go anywhere where you can get alone with God and have this matter out with Him.”
I believe I have a right to say that I have been baptized with the Holy Spirit.” When these testimonies were over, Mr. Moody said: “Young men, I can’t see any reason why we shouldn’t kneel down here right now and ask God that the Holy Ghost may fall upon us just as definitely as He fell upon the apostles on the Day of Pentecost.
there was another cloud that had been gathering over Northfield for ten days, a cloud big with the mercy and grace and power of God, and as we began to pray our prayers seemed to pierce that cloud and the Holy Ghost fell upon us. Men and women, that is what we all need–the Baptism with the Holy Ghost.
The Filling of the Holy Spirit by Moody Something More Than Regenration(the second Birth)
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Holy Spirit"(Ephesians 엡 5:18)-
술로 과도히 취하지 말고, 성령 충만을 받으라
설교: 성령의 능력 The power of the Holy Ghost." - Romans 롬 15:13
성령은 능력이다.
1. 성령은 외적으로 가시적이게 표출한다
2. 성령은 내적이고 영적인 임재를 한다
3. 성령은 미래적이고 대망된 역사들이다.
The Holy Spirit hath power. It is concerning the power of the Holy Ghost that I shall speak this morning; and may you have a practical exemplification of that attribute in your own hearts, when you shall feel that the influence of the Holy Ghost is being poured out upon me, so that I am speaking the words of the living God to your souls, and bestowed upon you when you are feeling the effects of it in your own spirits. We shall look at the power of the Holy Ghost in three ways this morning.
First, the outward and visible displays of it; second, the inward and spiritual manifestations of it; and third, the future and expected works thereof.
The power of the Spirit will thus, I trust, be made clearly present to your souls.
1. 성령은 외적으로 가시적이게 표출한다
1) 창조는 성령 사역이다
2) 예수님의 잉태도 성령 사역이다
3) 예수도 성령세례후 사역을 하신다
4) 예수님의 부활도 성령 사역이다
1) 우주만물 마사의 창조는 성령 사역이다
창 1:2
욥 26:13
시 104:29
1. First, the Spirit has manifested the omnipotence of his power in creation works; for though not very frequently in Scripture, yet sometimes creation is ascribed to the Holy Ghost, as well as to the Father and the Son. The creation of the heavens above us, is said to be the work of God’s Spirit
if you look in the first chapter of Genesis, you will there see more particularly set forth that peculiar operation of power upon the universe which was put forth by the Holy Spirit; you will then discover what was his special work. In the 2d verse of the first chapter of Genesis, we read, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
1) 성령은 예수님 잉태에도 역사
1) The Holy Spirit was more especially concerned; viz., the formation of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2) 성령은 예수의 부활에도 역사
2) A second manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s power is to be found in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
벧전 3:18
롬 8:11
3) 성령세례받고 음성들은 후 사역
마태 3:11-16
3) The third of the works of the Holy Spirit, which have so wonderfully demonstrated his power, are attestation works. I mean by this — works of witnessing.
4) 은혜의 사역
4) once more, if we want another outward and visible sign of the power of the Spirit, we may look at the works of grace.
프랑스 복음주의계 휘그노 선교사 새무얼 모팻의 성령의 능력과 변화 기적 사역
Missionary Moffat:
a Moffat go with the Word of God in his hand, hear him preach
As the Spirit gives him utterance, and accompanies that Word with power.
They cast aside their idols — they hate and abhor their former lusts; they build houses, wherein they dwell; they become clothed, and in their right mind. They break the bow, and cut the spear in sunder; the uncivilized become civilized; the savage becomes polite; he who knew nothing begins to read the Scriptures: thus out of the mouths of Hottentots, God attests the power of his mighty Spirit....
Some one whom God has blessed by his Spirit is guided to the house. He may be but an humble city missionary, perhaps, but he speaks to such a one: "Oh!" says he, "come and listen to the voice of God." Whether it is by his own agency, or a minister’s preaching, the Word, which is quick and powerful, cuts to the sinner’s heart. The tears run down his cheeks — such as had never been seen before. He shakes and quivers. The strong man bows down — the mighty man trembles — and those knees that never shook begin to knock together. That heart which never quailed before now begins to shake before the power of the Spirit. He sits down on an humble bench by the penitent; he lets his knees bend, whilst his lips utter a child’s prayer; but, whilst a child’s prayer, a prayer of a child of God. He becomes a changed character. Mark the reformation in his house!
These men became changed and reformed; and every one who knows the place affirms that such a change had never been wrought but by the power of the Holy Ghost. Let the gospel be preached and the Spirit poured out, and you will see that it has such power to change the conscience, to ameliorate the conduct, to raise the debased, to chastise and to curb the wickedness of the race, that you must glory in it. I say, there is naught like the power of the Spirit. only let that come, and, indeed, everything can be accomplished.
변화와 갱신 역사는 성령의 능력으로 이루어 진다.
2. 성령은 내적이고 영적인 임재를 한다
고전 2, 4, 12, 14장 성령의 능력 통달과 성령의 지혜로 속에서 역사하여
1) 성령은 먼저 인간의 마음에 역사한다
2) 성령은 인간의 성령안 뜻 즉 성령의 인도를 받는 자유의지의 결단을 하도록 돕는다.
1) First, in that the Holy Ghost has a power over men’s hearts
He will soon find "it is not by might nor power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord."
Can a minister convert? Can he touch the heart? David said, "Your hearts are as fat as grease." Aye, that is quite true.
2) But if there is one thing more stubborn than the heart, it is the will.
Free-will somebody believes in. Free-will many dream of Free-will!
Very free will to evil but very poor will to that which is good. Free-will enough when I sin, but when I would do good, evil is present with me, and how to do that which I would I find not. Yet some boast of Free-will.
I do not think any man has power over his fellow-creature’s will, but the Spirit of God has. "I will make them willing in the day of my power." He maketh the unwilling sinner so willing that he is impetuous after the gospel; he who was obstinate now hurries to the cross. He who laughed at Jesus now hangs on his mercy; and he who would not believe is now made by the Holy Spirit to do it, not only willingly, but eagerly; he is happy, is glad to do it, rejoices in the sound of Jesus’ name, and delights to run in the way of God’s commandments. The Holy Spirit has power over the will.
3) I hope that my will is managed by Divine Grace.
If it is potent one way, it is another: for my imagination has taken me down to the vilest kennels and sewers of earth. It has given me thoughts so dreadful, that, while I could not avoid them, yet I was thoroughly horrified at them. These thoughts will come; and when I feel in the holiest frame, the most devoted to God, and the most earnest in prayer.
3. 성령은 미래적이고 대망된 역사들이다.
1)성령은 거룩함에서 온전하게 하신다
회개후 중생/칭의 후에
성령으로/성령세례로 이루어지지는 성령의 온전함이 온다.
중생한자의 가슴에 현재 정욕, 가상, 부패가 있어 부분적으로 불결하다
성령으로 온전하게 하신다.
III. But the last thing was, THE FUTURE AND DESIRED EFFECTS; for, after all, though the Holy Spirit has done so much, he cannot say, "It is finished."
1) First, he has to perfect us in holiness.
There are two kinds of perfection which a Christian needs: one is the perfection of justification in the person of Jesus; and the other is, the perfection of sanctification worked in him by the Holy Spirit.
At present corruption still rests even in the breasts of the regenerate. At present the heart is partially impure. At present there are still lusts and evil imaginations. But, oh! My soul rejoices to know that the day is coming when God shall finish the work which he has begun; and he shall present my soul, not only perfect in Christ, but perfect in the Spirit, without spot or blemish, or any such thing. And is it true that this poor depraved heart is to become as holy as that of God? And is it true that this poor spirit, which often cries, "O, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this sin an death!" shall get rid of sin and death? I shall have no evil things to vex my ears, and no unholy thoughts to disturb my peace. Oh happy hour! May it be hastened! Just before I die sanctification will be finished; but not till that moment shall I ever claim perfection in myself. But at that moment when I depart, my spirit shall have its last baptism in the Holy Spirit’s fire. It shall be put in the crucible for its last trying in the furnace; and then, free from all dross, and fine, like a wedge of pure gold, it shall be presented at the feet of God without the least degree of dross or mixture. O glorious hour! O blessed moment! Me thinks I long to die if there were no heaven, if I might but have that last purification come up from Jordan’s stream most white from the washing. Oh! To be washed white, clean, pure, perfect! Not an angel more pure than I shall be — yea, not God himself more holy! And I shall be able to say, in a double sense, "Great God, I am clean — through Jesus’ blood I am clean, through the Spirit’s work I am clean too!" Must you not extol the power of the Holy Ghost in thus making us fit to stand before our Father in heaven?
2) 성령이 말세에 큰 역사 일으켜 하나님께 영광을 돌리다
행 2:17-18 말세에 성령을 남녀노유에게 부어주어 예언도 하고 일도 하고
기적같은 성결함도 많고
기도로 열성적이고
하나님과 영통하고
생동적 신앙도 있어
성령이 물같이 소낙비 같이 위에서 내리리라
2) Another great work of the Holy Spirit, which is not accomplished, is the bringing on of the latter-day glory.
My heart exults, and my eyes flash with the thought that very likely I shall live to see the outpouring of the Spirit; when "the sons and the daughters of God again shall prophesy, and the young men shall see visions and the old men shall dream dreams."
....yet there shall be such a miraculous amount of holiness, such an extraordinary fervor of prayer, such a real communion with God, and so much vital religion, and such a spread of the doctrines of the cross, that every one will see that verily the Spirit is poured out like water, and the rains are descending from above. For that let us pray; let us continually labor for it, and seek it of God.
3) 누구에게나의 소생은 성령의 능력으로
눅 24:49 예루살렘을 떠나지 말고 성령의 약속을 기다리라
골방/통곡의 제단에서 간구하여 성령의 능력을 받고 선교 일을 하라
3) one more work of the Spirit, which will especially manifest his power — the general resurrection.
The power of the Holy Spirit is your bulwark, and all his omnipotence defends you. Can your enemies overcome omnipotence? Then they can conquer you. Can they wrestle with Deity, and hurl him to the ground? Then they might conquer you. For the power of the Spirit is our power; the power of the Spirit is our might. once again, Christians, if this is the power of the Spirit, why should you doubt anything? There is your son. There is that wife of yours, for whom you have supplicated so frequently; do not doubt the Spirit’s power. "Though he tarry, wait for him." There is thy husband, O holy woman! And thou hast wrestled for his soul. And though he is ever so hardened and desperate a wretch, and treats thee ill, there is power in the Spirit.
성령으로 충분한 능력이 임한다.
성령의 능력에 의뢰하라
골방이나 제단에서 간절히 구함으로 성령세례를 받아 성결케 되고
성령의 능력으로 능력있고 승리하는 교역과 선교를 감당하라
There is power enough in the Holy Spirit
Put thy trust in the power of the Spirit by seeking the Lord at mourners' bench.
Rest on the blood of Jesus, and thy soul is safe, not only now, but throughout eternity.
The power of the Holy Ghost is able to do anything. Go to your missionary enterprise;
go to your preaching in your rooms, with the conviction that the power of the Spirit is our great help.
God bless you, my hearers. Amen.
렘 31:3 계 1:4 하나님의 사랑은 언약이나 예수 보혈로 구속 성령으로 정결
Just turn to the 31st chapter of Jeremiah, and the 3d verse. "He hath loved us," he says, "with an everlasting love." Now there is the difference between human and Divine love. The one is fleeting, the other is everlasting. There is no end of God's love. God saved him out of his pity and love.
In Revelation, 1st chapter, 5th verse, it says: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." He loved us first, and then washed us clean.
Acts 행 20 성령의 능력으로 사역
"Save that the Holy Ghost witnesses in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God....
I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves,and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he had purchased with his own blood....
This is a point I want to call attention to
"I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."
무디의 성령세례 받으라는 초청:
구원은 내 밖에서 온다. 성령이 내 마음을 어루만질 때 천국에 들어간다. 골방 즉 제단 통곡의 장의자에 가서 상령받을 때까지 기도하고 구하라. 온 가족을 갈보리 구속의 산으로 피신시켜 구원을 받게 하라. 오늘이 은혜의 날이요 자비의 날이로다. 하나님은 그 자녀들이 구원받기 원하신다. 오늘 원하면구원받을 수 있으니 방주에 들어가 구원을 받으라. 이제 너무 늦기전에 "네 모든 식구들을 방주로 오게 하라."
하나님의 은혜와 사랑은 심판의 선구자이다. 1857년과 1861년 우는 부흥으로 성령세례받고 보혈로 세례 받았다/씻음받았다. 5전국에 걸쳐 50만명이 교회에서 하나되어 각성하고 성령세례받았다.
Salvation is outside of yourself: may the Lord open your eyes to see it. Your sins may keep you out of Heaven; but they cannot keep you from Christ, because Christ will take them out of the way. The ark was built for sinners. "Come thou and all thy family into the ark." Hear the voice of God calling you into the ark, and set your face like a flint and say, "I will press into the kingdom of God.'" The Spirit of God had touched your heart, and you are willing to enter the kingdom of God. Go into the inquiry-room. Bear in mind that he is offered to you to-night. It is a day of grace; it is a day of mercy. God seeks to be merciful, and he wants to have you and your children saved. You can be saved tonight if you will. Come your family into the ark now. Accept salvation as a gift. It is a loving call, "Now come, thou and all thy house, into the ark."
The grace and love of God is a forerunner of judgment. In 1857 there was a revival that swept over this country. —some people took up the pen and tried to write it down; it swept over the east and on to the western cities, clear over to the Pacific coast. This was God calling the nation to himself. There were half a million people united with the church at that time. We were baptized with the Holy Ghost in 1857, and in 1861 we were baptized in blood.
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